Panoramic based 3D-Viewer

3D viewer logo

Application designed to designed to enable the computer science department of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg to display its 50 years computer science department exhibition online. This 3D Viewer web application can be easily accessed via


The mission of the project was to deliver a web based viewer that allows users to display the panoramas of the computer science department’s 50th anniversary on the web, without having to pay extensive license costs for other commercial 3D viewers. Detailed information at each booth should be delivered via third-party plugins, which operate on the viewers API.

  • Create a web-based Viewer in order to display the exhibition from the 50th anniversary of the CS department at FAU
  • Users can rotate the view, zoom in/out, walk through rooms and change floors
  • an extensive API is provided such that third party plugins can be integrated
  • A map is integrated in the bottom corner of the screen, such that the user always has a feeling of where is currently standing inside the room


Maria Monzon
Maria Monzon
Computer Vision and AI researcher

My research interests include Computer Vision, Biomedical Image Analysis, Trustworhty Deep Learning and Machine Learning for healthcare.